Namespace ZeroRedact
- Redactor
Implements redaction capabilities.
- ZeroRedactExtensions
Extension methods for IServiceCollection to register IRedactor with the Redactor implementation.
- CreditCardRedactorOptions
Credit card redactor options.
- DateRedactorOptions
Date redactor options.
- EmailAddressRedactorOptions
Email address redactor options.
- IPv4AddressRedactorOptions
IPV4 address redactor options.
- IPv6AddressRedactorOptions
IPv6 address redactor options.
- MACAddressRedactorOptions
MAC address redactor options.
- PhoneNumberRedactorOptions
Phone number redactor options.
- RedactorOptions
Provides options to be used with Redactor
- StringRedactorOptions
String redactor options.
- IRedactor
Implements redaction capabilities.
- CreditCardRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to a credit card number.
- DateRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to a date.
- EmailAddressRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to an email address.
- IPv4AddressRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to an IPv4 address.
- IPv6AddressRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to an IPv6 address.
- MACAddressRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to a MAC address.
- PhoneNumberRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to a phone number.
- StringRedaction
Defines the different types of redactions that can be applied to a string.