Table of Contents

Quick Start

Redact your sensitive data with ZeroRedact. ZeroRedact fully or partially redacts various formats of sensitive data quickly and easily.

Install via NuGet

Either with the NuGet Package Manager UI or via:

dotnet add package Nikouu.ZeroRedact

First redaction

Create the Redactor object, and use a method fitting for your sensitive data:

var redactor = new Redactor();

// returns "*************"
var result = redactor.RedactString("Personal data");

Redacting with options

To customise the redaction, use the respective options object for the redaction type:

var redactor = new Redactor();

var options = new StringRedactorOptions
    RedactorType = StringRedaction.SecondHalf,
    RedactionCharacter = '#'

// returns "Person#######"
var result = redactor.RedactString("Personal data", options);

Service builder

In the case of a service builder with IServiceCollection:

// Default

// Or to configure
builder.Services.AddZeroRedact(new RedactorOptions
    CreditCardRedactorOptions = new CreditCardRedactorOptions { RedactorType = CreditCardRedaction.ShowLastFour },
    EmailAddressRedactorOptions = new EmailAddressRedactorOptions { RedactorType = EmailAddressRedaction.ShowFirstCharacters },
    DateRedactorOptions = new DateRedactorOptions { RedactorType = DateRedaction.Day },
    PhoneNumberRedactorOptions = new PhoneNumberRedactorOptions { RedactorType = PhoneNumberRedaction.ShowLastFour }